Triple A Internetshops GmbH
Project Link
Services Rendered
  • Software Development
  • Server Management
  • Nextcloud Integration

Triple A Internet shops is a leading e-commerce company, employing more than 270 people, serving over 18m customers in Germany alone, with sales over €200m.

Triple A came to LA5 Digital with a bright idea. As a large e-commerce company, there are a lot of product images to work with (view, edit, share with the right people in your team, etc). We were tasked to design and implement the perfect system for this.

We designed and implemented a new cloud application which lets Triple A staff upload large image data sets at once, assign them to specific projects and staff, mark images for editing, provide instructions to staff and more – allowing full control of the product image management cycle. The application also integrates with Nextcloud, allowing employees to sync data on their workstations.

* Due to the nature of this project and client discretion, we are unable to state full details of this project.

The Platform

A backend dashboard, which allows staff to take full control of the application.
The application allows the staff to manage projects, users, image sets and more.
The nextcloud integration allows for the projects to be hosted on a nextcloud installation, which can then be synced by staff.